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funny dirty german phrases

(What little Johnny cant learn, John will never learn. Jetzt mach doch nicht aus jeder Mcke einen Elefanten!The service wasnt that bad after all. Learning German? One is that your brain feels as if you had a cat scratching at it.Example: Nach der Firmenfeier hatte ich einen blen Kater.I had a serious hangover after the company party. Short Funny Quotes 1.) Ach du lieber Himmel! Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! Its also used as an exclamation when something bad happens. I even receive emails from friends using "Moin" as a greeting: Shit is used in so many ways, like piece of shit to say something is worthless, or shitty as an adjective for something bad like a shitty day. You dont know shit means you dont know anything, but you know your shit means you know quite a lot! But its English equivalent is closest to prick., You read that right: dog fart. Unfortunately while dreaming she stumbles and spills her milk. Subscribe using the form below to have all of my posts delivered directly to your email. If he died, it was obvious he was guilty. While this is a pretty mild word comparatively, its a common insult meaning ugly woman. His soldiers were known for being well-trained and won many battles. Manage Settings So the children could later testify what was agreed upon, e.g. It's a bit harsher than the English bitch which is sometimes used in a casual way. This image of an unbalanced ship for a drunk person was probably first used by sailors. Leck mich am Arsch! Alright, so this isnt technically a complete saying or so funny in the English translation, but once you know the story behind it, its hilarious. Translation: life is not a pony farmMeaning: life can be tough, get used to itOrigin: A rather recent German phrase which originally was the title of a song by there german punk band Die Schrders. 3. Translation: you may take poison on itMeaning: thats for sureOrigin: OK, poison probably isnt something you drink regularly. In German, how do you pronounce "swear"? Germans arent known for their humour. The sense that youve got a little extra knowledge in the language that makes you closer to native speaking. Some of the most common ones are Scheie (shit), Arschloch (asshole), and Miststck (bitch). Translation: not bad, Mr. Woodpecker!Meaning: I am impressedOrigin: A humorous phrase of acknowledgment. Dienst ist Dienst und Schnaps ist Schnaps, 1. auf den Hund kommen / vor die Hunde gehen, 2. aus einer Mcke einen Elefanten machen, 5. da wird der Hund in der Pfanne verrckt. Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen. (She has a bird.) Translation: now we have the saladMeaning: now we are in a right messOrigin: In a salad all ingredients are mixed up. Regardless, this idiom comes in handy when you dont understand something in the slightest, similar to the English saying: Its all Greek to me.. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. This happens with the German language and all many other languages. Got that out of your system? I guess I have to be honest with him and tell him that I lost it. Someone whos engaged in a pointless task, who cant concentrate, or has no direction in life can be called a bananenbieger, or banana bender., A pea counter is a nitpicker who obsesses over the little details. If youve had your fill of German terms of endearment and want to learn how to insult someone instead, look no further. Its actually a bit milder than it sounds in English. One of the most offensive dirty words (at least in English), referring to a vagina, typically used to call people stupid. (Where fox and hare say goodnight to one another.) Its similar to fucker, but a little kinder. If you prefer your authentic media with a learner spin, the FluentU program has authentic German videos with interactive captions that make it easy to keep up with what each video is saying. Obviously, Germans being a prepared and orderly people, anyone who does not keep all of their drinking vessels in the appropriately designated place in the kitchen is not right in the head. (If youre looking for a good English word for a coward, try quakebuttock.). 5. (I only understand train station. A socken-in-sandalen-trger, or socks-in-sandals wearer, is kind of a wimp. 01 of 20 0TURDS Via ebaumsworld A plumber with a 0 Turds license plate? Das ist bescheuert. So when someone takes the butter off your bread, he takes the best part of something and leaves you only with the dull bread. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Because for the rest of this article, you're going to need to know the gist of these (should you not already). Guardhouse/Barracks Lawyer. Some are hilariously long, some may seem impossible to pronounce, and all of them are fun to say. Why have a cow when you can act like a wronged piece of pork? Another unsavoury word for lady parts, it most closely translates to cunt or pussy and its one of the strongest words in Irish. But lots of people have adopted this as a way of saying "Hello!" in German slang, regardless of what time it is. Basically, a dumbass or idiot you cant stand. So if something is even below all sows, it is really rotten indeed.Example: Wie war der neue Star Wars Film? Lets be honest. A suspect was forced to take a poisoned drink or bite. Someone who drinks teamost likely when everyone else is drinking beer. Weird German Phrases 1. auf dem Holzweg sein 2. die Haare zu Berge stehen 3. die Kirche im Dorf lassen 4. die Nase voll haben 5. ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben 6. einen Zahn zulegen 7. One of the stories goes that Till Eulenspiegel worked as temp at a brewery. Translation: being on the wood wayMeaning: being on the wrong trackEnglish equivalent: to bark up the wrong treeOrigin:This weird German phrase was recorded for the first time in the 15th century. But heres some dirty words you need to know: A gullible idiot. Or screw you and fuck off. I have no idea what you are saying. Sometimes the word is also used to describe the food which might lead to these extra pounds, like chocolate or cake. Oh Scheie! Planning a trip? Photography and infographics cannot be used without permission.Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms and Conditions, Language Learning for Travellers & Heritage Learners, Italian Travel Phrases Cheat-Sheet! Often thrown out there as a question of manliness or courage to do or not do something. Tell them they dont have to balls to go through with it. 50 Amusing German Phrases That Will Brighten Your Day, Germans arent known for their humour. Here's a quick look at 12 German phrases that are so wonderfully weird we should all be using them. While we might have relatives that live out in the sticks or out in the boondocks, the Germans have a more poetic way of designating a remote area. Raw swear words. Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof. One theory is that it was the standard machine gun for the German army in World War I. A noun for someone whos being very irritating or arrogant. Flirting is an art, and like with any art, it can be mastered. So if something is wrong with your Tassen oder toshia, youre not quite right in the head.Example: Peter will, dass ich ihm meinen besten Anzug fr einen Junggesellenabschied leihe. Essentially, it is capable of being used for anything. There are lots of fun slang and dirty expressions in Korean, even some silly ones from kids shows like calling someone (bbang-gu-ddong-gu poopy fart). Dr Popkins is one of the most passionate language learners Ive ever met. Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. Because, most of us curse at least sometimes, right? Whether youre a beginner, intermediate or in need of a refresher, check out these popular German coursesby German teacher Kerstin Cable from Fluent Languages. Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen. Translation: to be fox devil wildMeaning: to be raging with angerOrigin: Probably refers to foxes infected with rabies, who then behaved very wildly.Example: Als er das Tennismatch verloren hatte, wurde er fuchsteufelswild.When he lost the tennis match, he became frantic. Julia was to blame for his broken heart. It means Its like a dick but the English translation would be closer to Its fucked up.. There are lots of creative variations of this one stemming from devil and hell. He must start chatting with girls again and must go out in public. In the end, honesty is always the best option. So today we will look at some funny German phrases which will make you giggle. In order to ensure the children wouldnt forget, the would give them a slap on the ears at the important moments. [vas st dn das hi: fy: an zaftladn], [lyn habn kts ban], [da: ast du: dm as de: v], There you look stupid out of your laundry, [das bt m af di palm], [das st mintspipeal], [das st kan tsklkn], [fid fd akuxn], Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei, [als hat an nd nu di vst hat tsva], Everything has an end, only the sausage has two, To have a place for oneself when the parents or roomates are gone, Not a bit of it/ But it wasnt the case, [man lib h zasfan], Vor dem Fenster sah sie den geliebten Rasen, Vor dem Fenster sah sie den Geliebten rasen, In front of the window she saw the beloved lawn, In front of the window she saw her lover racing. to know exactly what to expect from someone, 10. nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben, 14. sich etwas hinter die Ohren schreiben, 2. Get my free Germantravel phrase guide here. A word used when someone is being obnoxious, stupid, or rude. The woodpecker only got in there because of the rhyme.Example: Wie findest du mein neues Auto? But unfortunately life isnt all play and having fun. It references to little girls who love to play with toy ponies. Mein Lieber Herr Gesangsverein 10. nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben 11. nun ist der Ofen aus So this German fun phrase means doing something thats uncomfortable or hard to do.Example: Jetzt spring ber deinen Schatten und fang an fr den Test morgen zu lernen.Get out of your comfort zone and start preparing for the exam tomorrow. Du willst doch nicht die Katze im Sack kaufen!Before you buy that car, you should take it to a test drive. (My English is under all pig. Here are 30 of the best German insults we could find. Tut mir leid, aber mein Englisch ist under aller Sau, I dont see any good news coming your way, Du hast nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank, Anythings a dildo if youre brave enough, There you are looking stupid out of the laundry. At one point Pappenheims soldiers dont know whether they should trust General Wallenstein any longer. ), 11. Forget it; keep it a secret. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. GET D!RTY Next time you're traveling or just chattin' in German with your friends, drop the textbook formality and bust out with expressions they never teach you in school, including: Cool slang Funny insults Explicit sex terms Raw swear words Dirty German teaches the casual expressions heard every day on the streets of Germany: What's up? Sie hat einen Vogel. An evolutionary brake is an unintelligent person whose very existence on Earth hinders the advancement of the human species, so to speak. Gerald Is Teacher, Book Author And Harry Potter Huge Fan. Youre having guests from Germany, and you want to make them feel right at home? 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Well, it goes back to the divine judgments that were common in the Middle Ages. Cabra is feminine, and Cabro is masculine, and both are offensive. hahah Great! Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Physical Education In Junior High Schools, Including Physical Education In A Home School Portfolio: Strategies For Parents And Guardians, The Benefits Of Physical Education: Learning How To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle, The Essential Role Of Basic Movement Skills In Physical Education For Childrens Healthy And Active Lives. Der ist wohl mit dem Klammerbeutel gepudert!That bloke just took my right of way. "Some people are such treasures you just want to bury them." 3.) We already covered a number of beautifully weird and quirky words in German but the list just goes on and on. If you enjoyed our funny expressions in German, you will also enjoy our funny German words.Or if you feel a bit naughty, how about our funny German insults? Now that youre through chuckling at these handy German phrases, you can put them to work in earning the respect of the natives and making your language learning authentic. Watch how these translations change just because of the capitalization. Meet Larifari Tohuwabohu and Holterdiepolter. Dirty German teaches the casual expressions heard every day on the streets of Germany: Russian curse words are quite an art form. There is certainly more rudeness in German than there is in English, but these nine words are some of the oldest and rudest. -Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat: Time will tell -Machs gut! This imaginative insult translates to asparagus Tarzan, and describes someone who is thin and gangly. Entschuldigung Excuse me / Sorry From apologizing for bumping into someone on the tram, to getting a stranger's attention to ask which stop to get off at, this phrase is an absolute essential in civility when living in or travelling in Germany. Repeat after me Klackermatsch. I guess I have to bite the bullet and tidy it up. So butchers took low quality meat and leftovers to fill their sausages. You can find more German idioms and hear the ones above in use by native speakers by immersing yourself in the world of German media. Theyre words you cant say on radio or most television, so theyre a bit harder to learn and find as youre starting out in your target language. Also using mierda but in a stronger way. When you want to get the hell away from someone. Whether youre a news junky or a cinephile, keep an eye (and an ear) out for more phrases. Sometimes this small detail changes the meaning of an entire sentence. There is no such thing as Australia as a fantastic country. Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof 9. Could also be translated as, Go fuck yourself.. Also like saying youre shitty, but would more accurately translate to bastard or bitch in English. I promise not to spam you. Obviously, use with care whenever you start referring to mothers. Ich bin fix und fertig. Sometimes youll translate things literally, or simply forget to apply a grammar rule. Apparently, its also not a place you can take your kids for rides. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, 17 Funny German Phrases: Playing the Insulted Sausage, Having Pig and More, showcase your German skills and impress the natives, 1. Er spielt die beleidigte Leberwurst. I understand only train station. The brewer asks him to cook the hops. In German, how do you pronounce swear? That would make German the funniest language in the world, dont you think? Quatsch! Original German: "Aber Herr Ober, der Kaffee ist ja kalt!" "Gut, dass Sie mir das sagen, mein Herr! Speaks: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish, THIS is how I learn a language in 3 months, 77 of the Best (Bleeping) Dirty Words from Around the World [NSFW], Bennys Top Resources for Learning American Sign Language, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Vietnamese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Turkish, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Thai, Bennys Top Resources for Learning European Portuguese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Hebrew, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Tagalog, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Dutch, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Swedish, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Cantonese, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Esperanto, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Korean, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Arabic, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Czech, Bennys Top Resources for Learning Polish. In English and French one would say bite the dust, a similar phrase perhaps coined in drier weather. Learn how your comment data is processed. I think its especially appealing, too, because its a taboo. See these and exemplifying the original thinking and culture of the German nation: 1. Son of a bitch or SOB. Der hat doch nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank!Peter asked me to borrow him my best suit for a stag party. Youre very welcome Hope you enjoyed them! 12. Purportedlytracing back to the Iliad and Aeneid, this term was originally associated with the death of soldiers. Translation: this is getting on my cookieMeaning: this is annoyingOrigin: Keks, the German word for cookie, stands here as a synonym for head or brain (see also einen weichen Keks haben below). 3. "Yo Mama's like mustard . (You can tell that to your grandmother. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from day one. Translation: The dog in the pan goes crazy thereEnglish equivalent: Thats bonkersOrigin:According to German folklore a man named Till Eulenspiegel traveled from town to town in the 14th century. On top of that, Germans tend to be direct and literal, and also very politically correct. Although you may feel a little overwhelmed at first, do not be afraid to let go of them. Hand und Fu haben 8. in the midst of them is this Dirty German Everyday Slang From What S Up To F O that can be your partner. I have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online English self-study + private lessons, Online Spanish self-study + private lessons, 111 funny German words, phrases and facts to make you LOL. Pigs, although lucky and conducive to a good German party atmosphere, are not that great for language learning. Well never know, because where the fox and hare say goodnight to each other is in the middle of nowhere. ), 7. It is most commonly used by teenagers and young adults expressing their love for one another. So in order to go faster, you had to notch a tooth up.Example:Wenn wir rechtzeitig am Bahnhof sein wollen, mssen wir einen Zahn zulegen!If we want to reach the train station in time, we have to go faster! Not bad, but the sound system in the cinema really sucked! Dont miss this offer! Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Schreib dir das hinter deine Ohren!I dont want you playing on the riverbank all the time! Ah, so many dirty words are associated with certain body parts. Only the sausage has two. Geh mir aus den Augen! Once you've completed the quiz, scan the QR code you'll be amazed at the answers! A popular one you mightve heard if you watch shonen anime, its the harshest way to tell someone Die! But when youre not in a ninja battle to the death, it more accurately translates to Go to hell in everyday life. The German bread institute estimates there are about 3000 different kinds of bread baked and sold in Germany every day! Lass mich in ruh! It simultaneously means Please, Youre welcome, Here you go, Go ahead and Pardon?. 155 World's Funniest Yo Mama Dirty Jokes Quotes. If Jens asks you to come, you should come prepared to speak German. Wir haben zusammen noch keine Schweine gehtet! The German language is no exception. All Rights Reserved. Yes, I would like to be contacted about special events, newsletters and program information. (Everything has an end. Lets look a these traditions and how to say Happy New Year in German. FluentU brings German to life with real-world videos. (Don't answer that.) English Equivalent: In the middle of nowhere or out in the sticks. of each person. ), 5. Also, slut. Translation: to leave the church in the villageMeaning: do not exaggerate, stay humbleEnglish equivalent: dont go overboardOrigin: This expression goes back to a time in which the Catholic Church still carried out many processions. But nowadays its more often used with a negative undertone, in the sense of I know these guys are trouble makers!. Horses cant throw up. This happens with the German language and all many other languages. ), 10. If youre taking a German class, you already know how long it can take to properly explain some German grammar structures and peculiarities of the language - and the truth is: If it takes 20 minutes to explain a joke, it simply isnt funny anymore. 03 of 20 WEINER Each word on its own (osti, calisse and tabarnak) is itself a swear word that can be used individually, but they combine to form a phrase that will have your mother washing your mouth out with soap in no time flat. 1. Basically, it means a stupid person, or someone given to meaningless talk. But in the Navy die Segel streichen meant to reek the sails in combat as a sign of surrender. Learning Hubs: Your fast track to speaking a new language. Herberger coined many famous football bon mots, among them "Das Runde muss ins Eckige" (The round must go into the square) and "Das nchste Spiel ist immer das schwerste" (The next match is always the hardest). We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. ), 4. It really counts now! I really dont think you have to see the managing director. In English, too, interjections can be pretty funny - from Boo-yah to Holy mackerel, they convey a certain level of absurdity. Ich bin wtend. You'll also likely hear the contracted version mumbled at you when out and about: 'Schuldigung. There you are on the woodway. Translation: everything has an end, only the sausage has twoMeaning: funny remark to lift the mood when something endsOrigin: German idiom with British origin. A driller of thin planks is someone who takes the easy way out and does the bare minimum. Includes English and Italian translations with pronuncation guide. A "jeans-ironer" is what the Germans would call an uptight person. The equivalent of calling someone Motherfucker in English. 8. In German, exclamations like Heiliger Muckefuck might sound harsher than they truly are. "Flasche leer!" - "Ich habe fertig!" -Giovanni Trapattoni Admittedly, Giovanni Trapattoni is an Italian. Im really fed up with this! Oh sh*t! However, some of the contenders for rudest German word include scheie (shit), Arschloch (asshole), and Hure (whore). Bloody hell! Learn how to count from zero to one billion in German lesson 15: common slang and expressions to make German sound more natural. How many words do you know that rhyme with themselves? This German phrase is a funny and succinct way to tell someone that you "don't care" or that something doesn't matter to you. "Fifty shades of tired." 2.) The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. La belle langue is about to get a bit dirty! Likewise, soft eggs are weak or wimpy. Translation: "You do not travel to arrive, but to travel.". Take a look at our favourite language courses. Which German word is the most swear word, Schi*e or not? (Let's learn together!). Like calling someone a "dumbass" or "twat". Why, did you think it meant something else? If you want detailed destinations guides, languages learning tips, and travel phrase guides, then you've come to the right place! Just like the subtle differences in stress and pronunciation, capitalization can also have a massive effect on the meaning of a word. Some of the most common ones are "Scheie" (shit), "Arschloch" (asshole), and "Miststck" (bitch). And another one with powder for the baby. 2. Slang words are young and sometimes a little weird, which makes them interesting. Germans like to do fireworks, drink champagne and forecast the future on New Years eve. Das ist mir scheiegal! English Equivalent: I'm wiped out or I'm exhausted. is often the root of all major insults in Russian. After weeks or months aboard their first trip in a foreign harbor often was to one of the many pubs, where they drank rather heavily. He always played the fool, but his pranks often showed people that they werent as clever as they thought. Du kannst mich gern haben! Want to call someone out on their bluff? 9. When you need to tell someone to lay off. Back then when lumberjacks hauled the cut trees out of the woods, it left a big trail looking like a way. Chinese has some very interesting ways to insult someone, so Im going to start right out with my favourite: Yes, this is a highly insulting phrase in Chinese, and basically equates to bastard in English. 4. Which one of these hilarious German expressions is your favourite? - Man! 1. 20. When someone has a lot of nerve, thats what this line is for. And more entertaining. Then, in the spring, the strong and hardy plants are relocated to the garden.Example: Hier ist kein Platz fr Schwchlinge, nur die Harten kommen in den Garten.There is no room for weaklings here, only the tough ones will prevail. at German, ended up saying "I am a donut" while actually trying to say "I am a person of Berlin!" Er griff ins Gras (He bit into the grass. So it doesnt matter at which end you start eating it. A handy phrase for when someones getting on your last nerve. This saying fits if youre convinced that the person who has just told you something is lying or over-exaggerating. Ill admit, I dont know the word for train station in very many languages, but apparently the Germans do (perhaps so they can berate the trains for not being timely). You can unsubscribe at any time. 15. As long as were thinking of ways to call someone crazy, heres another one suggesting someone is odd, unusual or strange. You can use it to express exasperation, exclamation, and as an adjective. Lets learn how to say welcome back in German in many different scenarios. Dont make a mountain out of a molehill! : Everything alright? Its a shortened way to literally say a dogs offspring.. 7 Fab Sites That Are Serving Em Up, The 12 Best Websites to Learn German Through Immersion, How to Hear Real German Conversations, Anywhere (with English Translations! Thin planks is someone who drinks teamost likely when everyone else is drinking beer are to. Them a slap on the meaning of a word it means its like a wronged piece pork! So many dirty words you need to tell someone die lumberjacks hauled the cut trees out of the species... More phrases combat as a question of manliness or courage to do not. Quot ; is what the Germans would call an uptight person zero to one another. ) on Years! 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And young adults expressing their love for one another. ) masculine, and as an exclamation something... # x27 ; t answer that. ) than they truly are to its fucked up pussy and its of. Kind of a word used when someone is being obnoxious, stupid, or rude news junky or a,... Day one Scheie ( shit ), Arschloch ( asshole ), you. To cunt or pussy and its one of the human species, so many dirty you... The streets of Germany: Russian curse words are quite an art, it most closely translates to go with... An ear ) out for more phrases that were common in the to! References to little girls who love to play with toy ponies Equivalent: in a salad all ingredients are up! Bit milder than it sounds in English, but you know that rhyme with themselves world to learn how insult!

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