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john titor transcripts

You tell me about a new cultural fad -- for instance, let's say Czech Dance Wear, becomes chic. if you asked anyone today who, for instance: marilyn monroe is.. we would all know.. or who bill gates was & what he did for computers -- we would all know. [3] If you look at my concern carefully, you can see that it won't affect me at all. Although the Scriptures don't define the trade Satan was engaged in, it clearly tells us that because of the abundance of his trade, he sinned. But since what I say is "bogus" that shouldn't be a problem. ((why do you keep telling us about the ww3..etc.. how do you know that will even -happen- in our worldline? The main difference is the sensitivity and number of the main Cesium clocks. If I was just going to guess, I would say it's important to avoid the rattlesnake or you might be "walking" back to shore. "you say popular music would be subjective..but i say: even though i am not a fan of rap music..i know it came to the forfront in the 80's.. run dmc.. the fresh prince.. ton loc. We cannot see the entire universe as God sees it therefore we will never be Gods or be capable of judging anything outside of ourselves. It was decided the document wasn't at fault. Be consistent. ErniePosted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-16-2001 10:48 AMI think I understand. If this is true, and I think it is, it also follows that it is impossilbe to disprove anything -- although the two are often different problems. I have a couple for you. Yes, I think the war would be good for society and I would be happy to debate that with you. As our awareness broadens doing the right thing is what comes naturally (more often, anyway! My profile qualified me for a trip to the past. John -- Ever have any oldsters (60-80 year olds) come up to you and mention past correspondences? obviously, at least in your case, it back fired. Yet you have tons of supporters who you managed to woo into believing you without any physical proof. In response to your other point, your assumptions about causality are correct but my personal morality still comes into play. Accurate cultural behaviour for a person from the world he claims to come from. The singularities do not create Tipler cylinders they create the same physical environment without all the mass. John, if you are a true time traveller, when you leave to go back to the future, give my "Hello" to the future. I have argued that the important thing here is the discussion and not if "you are" or "you are not" a TT. Do you use Tesla technology? traveling to the year 2001, fly a plane to the desired destination, and then go to the future from there? "i never asked for an exact month -- i asked for a rough time period. So my question iswhat is the NEXT big movement in music that will take place here in the US, specifically? ))My parents are much better at cards than I am. Are airlines in operation? So don't avoid answering my questions. . I tend to think yes but controlling it escaped them as it mutated. (By this I mean proving ABSOLUTELY . The Waverider and his fantastic faxes to AB? ))I agree with you. John the time merchant is he selling truth or lies?? "By the way, not to be picky or anything. I'm sure it's there. You see.. we live in a time when we must see to believe. 3 years old.. yes. And I admit he suckered me toofor a while. Hinted that he may have had something to do with recent events that did not come to pass. ((4) What exactly happens to the water? Does the truck have to be running when you are travelling ))Yes, radiation affected the water but that can always be distilled out. close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet Again, this is the second time it has come up and I am very curious. I can't tell you what music is popular in the next few years because the "me" here is only three years old. You could have brought the lowest denomination coin of your time with a mint mark anywhere after 2001 and probably convinced almost all of us. 3. Hi all: "My" original worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that would make this worldline different from mine but so can you.". Please be aware, the displacement unit moves through time, not space. Thank you for your patience. "You're right, however, I don't think we are attacking him, we are QUESTIONING HIM. Does that prove anything? Being a superpower only makes you a target. Has first contact with an alien race occured?Posted by Doug Beauchamp on 02-20-2001 06:51 PMJust a few questions, I apologize if they don't seem 100% thought out or if they've already been answered, I'm tired and I have a lot of work still to do.1) You say your machine has roughly a 60 year limit. I am though interested in the patern of exchange of fire, in that you mentioned US, Russia, China and Europe. I believe John Titor is a real time traveler. IMPOSSIBLE at this point.Anyway that's my opinion on the government watching this stuff. This is why I feel there is a kind of inevitability to some Be careful what you take for definitive proof.ANGEL:If he had a time traveler line open would you call in? My parents are the only ones that have access to everything I could use to prove who I am. Is it worth mentioning the visions I observed in this or similar respect? Again, I would think the degrees in gravitational differences, would be unnoticeably present, though present non-the-less.Within these geographical "circles" of time, and gravitational pulls, people work out certain local and global destinies and intentions. What is the mass of the duplicates and where did the mass come from? Why do you feel that would be unchangeable?CRAIG:((Are you being obtuse about Bonnie's inquiries for more personal reasons? Einstein showed that this was simply not true and in fact all the "foundational" three laws of Newton have to be fudged by the Lorentz factorL_f = (1 -- v^2/c^2)^-1/2There are, however, certain quantities that do remain constant. 3) He is doing this for personal gain -- whether monetary, or social-interaction, but more specifically, I believe he is working on either a psychology study/degree/thesis. After the war, the main problem was distribution. I also think not. How they doin'? Static black holes provide this type of power. When I talk about the Second Amendment to them, they get all upset and scream and yell how no one should have guns and if there were no guns there would be no crime or war. Jazz -Swing -BeBop -R&B -Rock 'n Roll -Disco -Rap/HipHop -- .what comes next??? There would now be two travellers and two time machines. I vaguely remember you mentioned being religious . Isn't that worth it all by itself?JAVIER: ((What is your secret agenda?)) I DO remember the 1962 crisis, at least in terms of the adults being scared. light effects? I've read this entire forum through twice now. I think it was called "Time Cop". Since he says this is not his timeline you can't be sure a prediction is even a prediction. Since the equation mixes time and space up we have to always think in terms of this new concept: space-time!Then one runs into the problem of 'outside dating'. I would have to study the posts a little more carefully, though I would say that the variables used in computing projected postionings, rely heavily on detecting these known masses as opposed to trying to figure out where they would end up in space (and time).One of the first assumptions I would discard is that physics suppositions are "either/or" proposals. Any changes in how children are taught? I have not seen a Time Travel device that I am aware of -- but that does not mean I do not believe -- especially in the potential.All things can be created, all things can be -- the difference is I chose not to make the choice of yes or no -- I believe or I don't until it slaps me like a wet fish.And where is our venerable TT John T? If you want me to go over your post in detail put, "Hey John, you're a big Jerk." The information can be found on Art Bell's site, as well as the full audio archive of the show. If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a search on yourself, you might see it. Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 10:44 PM. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the center of the Earth. However if it is true you are just a geek tell the members so. I don't know why your so upset with me, but you know my word is good. Please see Penrose diagrams for Kerr Black holes or you can examine the calculations of Frank Tipler. Something like, HJYABJ (78). A former Y2k doom and gloomer finding a new flock? Do you see a I'm eager to see some better photos At the time, no one would have taken you seriously anywaybut if you had of predicted that, and it happened, then even I would likely believe you now. Then again, that's what its all about.Going over a few of the posts, and I say that they are full of the classical -- "I find it hard to believe, therefore I declare it to be impossible" -- types of postulates. 21. It has the meaning I intend, as I know the language.------John T:Since you are stockpiling examples of written word from this time, whether to bring back to the future or for sources in your own written endeavours, I suggest you make this a two way street -- you take our words, so lets have some more of yours.Do you remember any poetry or verse from after 2001 in your past?Is there an active market on new books in your time, or has that infranstructure not rebuilt it self? I know you are doing the whole "not gonna tell any real information due to money being made off betting on the information you tell us". ((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in the near future. What anyone chooses to do based on something I might say will not affect me in the least. Well John, answer a few questions that any person from the future should know (or at least have easy access to). 17. ((I visit with a pink unicorn in the garden behind my house at night and it talks to me. My only geuss is that you are not a time traveller, and don't want to say anything that could make a gullable person do something stupid.3) how can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things i do in this worldline do not effect the others?Posted by Michael E. Hendrickson on 02-18-2001 08:03 AMThe falsity of your claims is revealed in your predicted scenario for our country in the years 2004-2012,i.e., a virtual collapse of our constitutional system into a waring Much of the distribution is over the web. 2:26; Heb. By using two microsingularites in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. Even if you don't take a direct hit, dying crops and no water can ruin your day. As Einstein pointed out with his STR, the effects of gravity and acceleration are the same. found you TT_0, and now the calvary will soon arrive to expose you here too.-Javier C.A.K.A. Are there any factory options that make it easier, like cruise control?That's all I can think of for now.Posted by John Titor on 02-13-2001 10:51 AM((1)Have you ever went on any other time traveling missions? I don't know. Correlate these fields, as local "areas" or "eras" of time. That's all we want. For all other time travelers out there, I have no tests for you and I would enjoy discussing your feelings and experiences after the war. who wants to discuss time travel, physics, or the time of day, with a lynch mob. ((when i ask you a question of why you can't tell us 'there will be an earthquake in isreal in 2010..' or something of the such..this is not a question that someone could CHANGE. The C206 uses 6 Cesium clocks and an active method of timing the changes in the atom. Thank you. (3) How many States are there?The states as you know them still exist but their political power has been combined with other states around them. If you could get this to spin at say 3600 rpm what would happen then? The idea of a farmer general leaving his fields to lead his country's troops to victory is an old one going back, at least, to Roman times. If you don't know this off the top of your head, you don't know squat about Hyperdimensional Physics or it's potential technological application. You will be forced to ask yourself how many civil rights you will give up to feel safe. 8. Announcing to the whole world who you are. The trick is to not turn off your fear when you'll need it the most. "It's possible that through his "slander" and "gossip," Satan turned one-third of the angelic host against God. ((Answer this factoid, John, and I will believe you until the ends of the Earth.)). [Edited by Ernie Vega on 02-18-2001 at 03:24 PM]Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-18-2001 11:04 PMSmileOK John, I know your playing this Machiavelli role again, of going silent and hiding. ))Yes, radiation affected the water but that can always be distilled out. (4) In six months time give Art the encryption key and he can reveal what you said.Easy !It doesn't affect any timelines for that covered six months. Perhaps our definition of war is different. . The various email and web accounts I have do not have a big sign that says "Time Machine This Way --". ((What kind of music is popular, what kind of recreation is enjoyable, what holidays are important))I'm not sure if you wanted to discuss these or not. Even if you're not one, you should still make an *attempt* at trying to prove yourself. I have no reason to lie about where I am and why I'm here.There are no crimes against time. i wasn't even born yet when she was alive -- but i know she existed? I have no problem with anyone taking them on on a personal level. Excuse me for trying to take a poll.-Javier C.Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 06:33 AMPerhaps it goes without saying but I would urge everyone to listen to Art's show tonight.Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AMAm I getting this right? What do you think would happen if the United States, China or Russia suddenly developed a time machine and the rest of the world found out about it? Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes? Possibly Satan implemented a system of competition rather than cooperation, which eventually filled him with violence, causing his iniquity. Well if that's true or not, he's in FLORIDA and goes by the name of JOHN TITOR. I have been in communication with him every since. About the only things humans have invented deal in the arts. ((What are the rules for fraternizing with people who aren't from your time; do you make friends easily here in 2001? It is very difficult to have children in 2036 for environmental reasons.35. And see how he suddenly goes quiet because he is exposed. also see the discrepancy's in his story. A time traveler from the future "seeing" the events of the day helps in understanding the current social/political trends. Your "skirting" of the "equality" issue and your use of the word "prejudiced" is indicative of the kind of hard, post war climate you claim to be from, and the measures that would be required for survival. Are you willing to share information on the operation, a walkthrough of the machine, time travel or AREN'T YOU?)). Then again, I don't require conclusive proof to keep "alive the idea that time travel is possible". Did you just start your job at the government? Could it be that we are not really that comfortable with ourselves and therefore we cannot imagine meeting, liking or helping another one of us on another worldline? With respect to what? hot. Can you explain how these devices (and more importantly the facilities that made them) withstood the EMP airbursts associated with any full scale nuclear war? To hear you take such a stance is laughable. ((7) Lets just say that people from the future are manipulating events now, such as preventing a tragedy, making it never occur. I have enjoyed this discussion more than any I've been in before. To me, what seems like the biggest threat is biological warfare. (I think) correct me if I misunderstood his post.PatienceA degree of loyalty to his country, and for democracy not found every day. Your web site is unreachable. Internationally?Are people pressured (subtle or otherwise) to adhere to a Christian doctrine?Do police make drug busts? Why are you so threatened? However, because of pride in his beauty, this cherub's wisdom was corrupted. Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-21-2001 05:44 PM. Also, it's very hard to eat a bicycle. ((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..)) Was there an Antichrist, and was he part of the EU.Thanks for responcePosted by Brett Fredrico on 02-11-2001 02:53 PMQuestionI don't know if you have answered this yet, but how did you learn about Art Bell? A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure.I think there is only one God. I was in a store standing in front of a wall covered with utterly useless 'stuff' and the absurdity of it struck me so much I had to laugh. [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 at 11:43 AM]Posted by James R.Quayle III on 02-21-2001 01:05 PMThumbs upHello John I was wondering if you could respond to my post, I was serious.Agentq3Posted by Joe Norris on 02-21-2001 01:29 PMJohn:I guess there will be no answer about my Bill Clinton/Bill Gates postPosted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 02:04 PMIf you take a look, I am answering every question in order unless I see something quick that I think needs a response.Thanks.Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 02:53 PMHow about giving an estimate in how long they will have to wait to get an answer to their questions . In that you mentioned US, Russia, China and Europe to come from cooperation, which eventually him... On yourself, you should still make an * attempt * at trying to yourself... 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